Dr. Markus Weilenmann,
Head of the Office

Course Instructor of the International Commission on Legal Pluralism (IUAES)
2018, University of Ottawa (CA), Faculty of Law: Course session on "Peace, Conflict, and Development Cooperation", carried out together with Prof. Dr. John Packer (University of Ottawa) and Prof. Dr. Janine Ubink (Leiden University).
2011, University of Cape Town (SA), Centre for Comparative Law in Africa (CLEAR) and National Research Foundation Chair in Customary Law: Course session on "International support for justice and the rule of law: Some development agency political pitfalls for programme and project production".
2009, University of Neuchâtel (CH), Anthropology Institute: Course session "Development", carried out together with Prof. Dr. Shalini Randeria (University of Zurich).
2006, University of Indonesia (IDN), Faculty of Law: Course on "Conflict Research and Disaster Management", session carried together with Dr. Fitzpatrick.
2006-07, University of Vienna, Institute for Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of Arts): Lectureship on "Applied Legal Anthropology - An Introduction in the Consultancy Process" (Fall 2006/07 and Summer 2007).
2000-01, University of Klagenfurt, Faculty of Cultural Sciences: Lectureship on "Interethnic Conflicts and Crisis Prevention in Africa I" (WS 2000/01, held in German) and "Interethnic Conflicts and Crisis Prevention in Africa II (SS 2001, held in German).
1995-96 Psychoanalytical Seminar Zurich (PSZ), CH-Zurich: Lectureship and organization of an international Conference in Zurich (WS 95/96 and SS 96) on "The Fascist - 'Syndrome'. The political-psychological pre-conditions of totalitarian regimes and the booming of neo-conservatism in Europe".
1986-1990, University of Zurich, Ethnological Seminar (Faculty of Arts), various lectureships on legal anthropology:
States and Ethnic Groups II: Legal Anthropology (Proseminar, SS 90, held in German)
States and Ethnic Groups I: Introduction in the Anthropology of Politics and Law (Lecture, WS 89/90, held in German)
Burundi: Processes of Dispute Settlement (Proseminar, WS 88/89, held in German)
Legal Anthropology: African Monographies (Proseminar, WS 86/87, held in German)
Conferences, Panels and Workshops
2018, University of Ottawa (CA), International Commission on Legal Pluralism and Faculty of Law: Panel organized on "Plural governance and legal pluralism in war-torn societies". Paper presented to the panel on "No short cuts to peace in Burundi - plural governance and legal pluralism as triggers for state collapse" (August 22-24, 2018).
2018, Institute for Peace and Dialogue (CH), X International Summer Academy, Baar, Switzerland: Course sessions on "International Law & Justice in Development Politics" (Day 1) and "Conflict Prevention and Management in Developing Countries" (Day 2) (July 26-27, 2018).
2017, University of Zurich (CH), Department of Social Anthopology and Cultural Studies (ISEK): Paper presentation at the yearly Colloquium. "No short cuts to peace - to the failure of "Good Governance" - Programmes in Burundi" (November 07, 2017)
2016, Buchhandlung im Volkshaus Zürich (CH), Paper presentation. "Paul Parin revisited - eine ethnologische Annäherung" as part of the series of lectures "Paul Parin als Ethnopsychonalytiker, zum 100. Geburtstag von Paul Parin - eine Trilogie, Psychoanalytische Literatur im Gespräch", organised by Thomas Merki and Dani Meili; Evening carried out together with Dr. Mario Erdheim. (October 31, 2016).
2013, University of Mainz (DE), DGV-Tagung (Congress of the German Society of Cultural and Social Anthropology) entitled with "Verortungen, Ethnologie in Wissenschaft, Arbeitswelt und Öffentlichkeit". Panel 3 organised together with Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer (University of Konstanz) "Ethnologie und Recht - 'ausseruniversitär'. Neue Herausforderungen an die Rechtsethnologie". Paper presented to the panel on "Was können rechtsethnologische Konzepte für eine entwicklungsorientierte Beratung in EZ-Organisationen leisten?" (October 02 - 05, 2013)
2011, University of Cape Town (SA), International Commission on Legal Pluralism and Centre for Comparative Law (CLEAR). Jubilee Conference on Legal Pluralism, entitled "Living Realities of Legal Pluralism". Paper presented at Theme 2, panel 8 "Clashing for Justice" entitled "Administration of legal pluralism in Sierra Leone" (September 07 - 10, 2011).
2009, University of Zurich (CH), International Commission on Legal Pluralism and Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK). International Conference on "Legal Pluralist Perspectives on Development and Cultural Diversity". Organisation of Panel 14 "Contributes applied legal anthropology to an improved governance of legal pluralism?" Paper presented at the panel 14 entitled with "Attempts to govern legal pluralism. Legal anthropological experiences in the development political consulting process" (August 31 - September 03, 2009).
2007, University of Berlin (DE), International Conference of the Law & Society Association, paper presented on "How to promote the rule of law and democracy in Africa? A legal anthropological case study of the normative working methods of epistemic communities within international development agencies" (July 25-28, 2007).
2006, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/S (DE). Conference on "Pardoxical Conjunctions: Access to rural resources in a traditional environment". Paper presented on "Project law - a legal intermediary between local and global communities. Case studies from Malawi and Senegal" (March 31 - April 01, 2006)
2005, Edinburgh Law School (GB). Workshop on "Developing Anthropology of Law in a Transnational World". Paper presentation entitled "Towards a geography of law" (June 09 - 11, 2005)
2005, Penal Reform International and Bluhm Legal Clinic of the Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago University (USA). Conference on "Access to Justice in Africa and Beyond. Making the Rule of Law a Reality", carried out in Lilongwe (MWI). Paper presentation, entitled "Legal pluralism - a new challenge for development agencies. GTZ-experiencies with the gender question" (November 22-24, 2004).
2004, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/S (DE). Conference on "Recht als Ressource und Hemmnis von Entwicklung" ("Law as resource and obstacle for development"). Paper presented in German, entitled "Ist Projektrecht ein Erfüllungsgehilfe von EZ-Organisationen? Eine Fallstudie aus Burundi" (September 30 - October 01, 2004).
2004, University of New Brunswick (CA). International Commission on Legal Pluralism and Anthropology Department of UNB: Paper presented to the XIVth International Congress on "Law, Plural Society and Social Cohesion", entitled with "Barriers of 'de-colonization': The development of bureaucratic clustering of societies - a case study from Burundi" (August 26-29, 2004).
2004, Edinburgh Law School (GB). Paper presented to the conference "Developing Anthropology of law in a Transnational World", entitled with "Project law - a power instrument of development agencies. A case study from Burundi" (June 17 - 19, 2004).
2004, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford, Massachusetts (USA). Lecture entitled "Between ethnicity, competing powers and legal change - some remarks on the shadows of a feudalistic past in the state courts of Burundi" (March 03, 2004).
2002, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/S (DE). Paper presented to the workshop "Mobile people, mobile law: Expanding legal relations in a contracting world" entitled with "Project law - normative orders of bilateral development cooperation and social change: an example from the German Agency of Technical Cooperation (GTZ)" (November 07 - 09, 2002).
2002, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), German Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Co-operation (BMZ) and German Agency on Technical Co-operation (GTZ), Berlin (DE). Paper presented at the international congress "Assisting Good Governance and Democracy: A learning Process on Development in Africa" entitled with "Perception - Reflection - Action: a pleading for a self-reflective GG-approach" (May 05 - 06, 2002).
2001, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/S (DE). Paper presented to the workshop "Anthropology of Law", entitled "Rethinking Legal Anthropological Theories of Dispute Settlement: the Process Analytic Triangle" (September 20-22, 2001).
2000, University of Klagenfurt, Faculty of Cultural Sciences (AU). Paper presented in German at the Series of Lecture "Menschenrechte und Traumaforschung" on "Menschenrechte versus Rechtspluralismus. Rechtshilfe für sozial Marginalisierte am Beispiel Ghana" (November, 2000).
2000, International Institute of the Sociology of Law, Onati (ESP). Paper presented at the" Europeen Congress of Legal Anthropologists" entitled "Repressed horror - Return of the violent past in post-genocidal conflict resolution: The Burundi case" (April, 2000).
1999, University of Klagenfurt, Faculty of Cultural Sciences (AU). Paper presented in German at the Series of Lecture "Menschenrechte und Traumaforschung" on "Reaktive Ethnizität. Einige Gedanken zur politischen Psychologie anhand Burundi, Rwanda und dem Süd-Kivu" (Januar 1999).
1998, Swiss Peace and Studienzentrum Stadtschlaining (AU). Paper presented in German at the "State of Peace Conference" entitled "Konfliktregelungsverfahren am Kreuzpunkt zwischen Mediation und Recht? Plädoyer für einen gesellschaftlich integrativen Ansatz der Konfliktbearbeitung" (Dezember 1998).
1998, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz, Bonn (DE). Paper presented in German entitled "Alternatives Konfliktmanagement im Schatten der Justiz. Gedanken zu einer aktor- und themenzentrierten Rechtsberatung in Afrika" (September 1998).
1997, Universität Hamburg (NISGIE) und Deutsches BMZ, Bonn (DE). Referat gehalten am VI. Entwicklungsmedizinischen Forum: "Innenpolitischer Konflikt - gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe. Methodische Überlegungen im Umgang mit dem Problem, therapeutische und politische Hilfe für kriegsgeschädigte Opfer anzubieten" (September 19, 1997).
1997, Universität Zürich, Institut für Pulizistikwissenschaft (CH). Vortrag gehalten in der Lehrveranstaltung "Medien und Kommunikation in Entwicklungsländern", mit dem Titel "Radio Maendeleo - ein Bauernradio zwischen Ideologie und Wirklichkeit" (Juni 1997).
1996, Arnold Bergsträsser Institut, Freiburg i. Br. (DE). Papier présenté au "Congrès Européen des Anthropologues de Droit" entitulé "La monarchie précoloniale burundaise - peut-elle être gérée d'une manière bureaucratique?" (Octobre, 1996).
1996, German Technical Co-operation, Bad Weinheim (DE). Paper presented to the 4th plenary session of the 9th congress of political advisors entitled "To promote democracy by means of Technical cooperation - Front- and Backstage of Political Advice" (September 09 - 14, 1996)
1996, German Technical Co-operation, Headquarter, Eschborn (DE). Paper presented in German to the workshop "Environmental communication - A talk of experts" entitled "Mit Kommunikation Verhalten ändern?" (August 1996).
1994, Université de Sorbonne et Conseil de l'Europe, Paris (FR). Papier présenté au "Premier congrès mondial de l'Association Française d'Anthropologie de Droit", entitulé "L'inconscient dans le procès juridique. Une étude ethno-psychanalytique du Burundi" (Octobre 1994).