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Dr. Markus Weilenmann


Markus Weilenmann is head of the Office for Conflict Research in Developing Countries. He disposes of substantive legal anthropological expertise on sub-Sahran Africa, especially on the Great Lakes Region. In 1978 he was as a young student for the first time in Burundi where he carried out social anthropological field studies. His subsequent M.A. at the Zurich University dealt with the tabooing of the ethnic clashes of 1972 and its problematic impacts on the subjective perception of political history. In his PhD study, which he accomplished at the Wageningen University (NL) in agrarian law, he investigates the working methods of Burundi's State courts from a historical, a statistical and an extended case-oriented perspective. From 1993 onwards he started working as international consultant. In August 1996 he founded his Office for Conflict Research in Developing Countries, widened the scope to other parts of the African continent, especially West Africa and deepend his understanding of the endemic, structural conflicts in the Great Lakes Region, both, from a theoretical and practical perspective.

Since 1999, Dr. Markus Weilenmann is member of the Expert Pool of Civilian Peacebuilding of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs and since 2009 he is associate researcher of the Department of Social Anthropology at the Zurich University (Switzerland). 


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Office for Conflict Research in Developing Countries

Alpenstr. 25

CH-8803 Rueschlikon


+ 41 44 724 39 39


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Our Network of independent Experts


Dr. Abd Almageed Awad Eisa


Abd Almageed Awad Eisa is a Sudanese lawyer and was Senior Legal Counsel of the Sudanese Ministry of Justice in Khartoum, Sudan. Between 2011 and 2017, he acted as Legal Advisor to the Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR). He disposes of special expertise on the legal development in the entire Great Lakes Region and on the conflict settlement between official Government agencies as well as between them and local populations.  .


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Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer


Judith Beyer is Professor for Social and Political Anthropology at the University of Konstanz (DE). She specializes in political and legal anthropology. She conducts long-term ethnographic fieldwork in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) and Southeast Asia (Myanmar) and increasingly in the UK. Her research focuses on the anthropology of law, the anthropology of the state, and theories of sociality and social order.  Amongst others, she acted also as consultant for the German GIZ, the German BMZ, UNIFEM and the International Council on Human Rights.


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Dr. Giselle Corradi


Giselle Corradi is a senior associate researcher at the Human Rights Centre of the Law Faculty at Ghent University (Belgium). She is a legal anthropologist with field research experience in Latin America (Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala and Peru), sub-Saharan Africa (Mozambique and Sierra Leone) and Europe (Greece and Belgium). Her main areas of expertise are human rights, gender, customary and religious law, intercultural relations and development cooperation.


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Prof. Dr. em. Anne Griffiths


Anne Griffiths is the former chair holder in Anthropology of Law at the Edinburgh Law School, UK. She is a specialist on legal and social politics, especially on family law and land reform and disposes of extensive field research experience in Southern Africa. In particular, she developped skills in ethnography, legal pluralism on the ground, every day life and gender issues. She also worked as international consultant for various development projects.


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Jean-Marie Ngendahayo


Jean-Marie Ngendahayo is a Burundian intellectual who made an impressive career as political advisor and high ranking political dignitary. Starting as programme officer at UNESCO Burundi he later occupied high ranking official government positions such as Spokesperson of the Government of Burundi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Burundi or Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Burundi. In the latter role he was a.o. responsible for the successful presidential elections in 2005. He disposes of keen knowledge of the political and legal back stage in the Great Lakes Region and teaches today at the Burundi International University.


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Dr. Tillmann Schneider


Tillmann Schneider is an independent Consultant for Justice Sector Reform, Human Rights and Organizational Development, D-Berlin.  He is a fully qualified German lawyer with a focus on legal pluralistic configurations and with additional knowledge of Systemic Organisational Development (e.g. Planning & Evaluation, Team Development, Organizational Analyses) as well as workshop facilitation. Before starting his professional career as international consultant, he was a.o. project manager for the German GIZ in Sierra Leone ("Promoting of the Rule of Law and Justice in Sierra Leone"). In addition, he disposes of professional experience of the common law systems of justice from Ghana, Nigeria and Pakistan and post-soviet  legal systems (Central Asia, Ukraine).


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Dr. Bertram Turner


Bertram Turner is a senior researcher in the department of Law and Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/S, Germany. His PhD, Asylum and Conflict (Asyl und Konflikt, Reimer Verlag) is based on extensive comparative ethnological data throughout time and space. Dr. B. Turner has conducted extended field research in the Middle East, North Africa, Germany and Canada on natural ressources, politics of resource extraction, entanglements of law and technology, supply chain legal pluralism, law in complex infrastructural designs, Islamic activism and conflict settlement under conditions of plural legal configurations. He is a great specialist on Religion, Governance and Law.


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Prof. Dr. em. Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (1946-2022)


Sadly, on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, Keebet passed away suddenly. Keebet was a generous and gifted scholar, who made an enormous contribution to the field of legal pluralism and the anthropology of law. Together with her beloved late husband, Franz, she conducted and supervised field research in the Netherlands, Nepal, and Indonesia. As a professor at the Max Planck Institute in Halle, Germany, she helped shape the field of the anthropology of law from a comparative perspective, and she continued to teach and collaborate in research for the rest of her life.


During her entire professional career, she also published extensively on issues relating to legal pluralism and development politics and acted as a scientific consultant for various development agencies.



































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