Dr. Markus Weilenmann,
Head of the Office

Projects and Mandates
Dr. Markus Weilenmann
Office for Conflictresearch in Developing Countries (CH)​
Switzerland, 2020: Establishment of care4homeoffice. Care4homeoffice is a partner organisation of our Office for Conflict Research in Developing Countries and is based in our localities. Care4homeoffice adresses private companies and offers psychosocial coaching for all those, who have to work at home and get in trouble with the new corona regime as well as with the corresponding quarantine rules. (cf. www.care4homeoffice.ch)
Switzerland, 2018: Course instructor and coach of the Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD), Basel
Switzerland, 2015 - (to date): To monitor the political and social developments in the Great Lakes Region with special focus on the developments in Burundi. Service offered to selected European and African opinion leaders, Zurich-Rueschlikon (Switzerland)
Burundi, 2013 - 2015: Mandate as Political Advisor to the Executive Secretary of the "International Conference on the Great Lakes Region" (ICGLR, diplomatic service), based in Bujumbura, Burundi. The goals and tasks emcompassed the establishment of a routine of political analyses relating to the pact on security, stability and development ("Pact of Nairobi"), signed by ICGLR's 12 Member States (Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, DR Congo, Kenya, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, South-Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia); to enforce the international positioning of the Executive Secretary; to establish research cooperation relating to the implementation of the pact with universities and research institutes; to support ICGLRs secretariat in respect to methodic and professional questions relating to its public and political stand. This position was "ad personam" and funded by CIM/GIZ.
Switzerland, 2008-2012: Consultancy. To advise the executive board of HEKS (Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen der Schweiz) on the implementation of its country projects and programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America from a perspective of law and legal anthropology.
South Africa, 2011: to advise lawyers, legal scientists and development activists on pitfalls of development politics relating to legal empowerment and gender in development agencies. Support commissioned by the International Commission on Legal Pluralism.
Sierra Leone, 2010-11: Consultancy. To advise Sierra Leone's Law Reform Commission (LRC) on issues of legal pluralism and customary law; i.e. to establish guidelines and work methodology and train the LRC's staff members on the job to enable the LRC achieve its objective of identifying the customary laws and practices applicable in all 12 (twelve) districts in Sierra Leone. The consultancy was commissioned by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).
Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands, 2006 - 2009. Executive secretary of the International Commission on Legal Pluralism (IUAES). Organisation of meetings of the executive body as well as preparing and conducting international conferences and courses.
​Rwanda, 2007-08: Consultancy. Evaluation of the Justice & Democracy programme as well as the develeopment of new programme proposals for the period 2007-2009, commissioned by the NGO Réseau des Citoyens/Citizens Network (RCN), Brussels
Germany, 2002-2004 and 2006-2008: Directing various studies on project law by referring to professional experiences of various development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Scientific collaboration with the "Project Group Legal Pluralism" of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale, Germany
Indonesia, 2006: To advise lawyers and legal scientists on legal methods of conflict research and disaster management, course instruction commissioned by the International Commission on Legal Pluralism
​Burundi, 2005-06: Consultancy. Evaluation of the Justice & Democracy programme as well as the development of new programme proposals for the period 2005-2008. Consultancy commissioned by the NGO Réseau des Citoyens/Citizens Network (RCN), Brussels
Malawi, 2004-2005: To conduct field visits to all 4 pilot districts of the primary justice pilot project; to assess the understanding of the primary justice concepts and philosophies and to improve the linkages to the formal judicial system. Provide technical assistance and advise the management agency; to organize a workshop session on "international perspectives to primary justice". Consultancy commissioned by the GTZ-Forum for Dialogue and Peace, Lilongwe.
USA, 2004: Consultancy. To advise the Working Group Informal Justice of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy on problems relating to legal pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa (Medford, Massachusetts)
Burundi, 2004: Consultancy. Fostering the rule of Law: Understanding the Role of Informal Justice Systems; to prepare an in-depth study for the "Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue", Geneva, Switzerland, in collaboration with the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and the United States Institute for Peace.
Burundi, 2003: Consultancy. Conflict transformation and peace-building in Burundi. An explorative mission on strategies of the rural peace process, coordinated by International Alert and commissioned by Misereor.
GTZ Head-Quarter, Germany 1996 - 2003: Multiple consultancies. Collaborate in a GTZ-research team of the Department 402, later 42, concerned with strategic proposals for the programming of Good governance issues (world-wide); particular focus on problems of legal pluralism and on forms of cultural disintegration of GG-programs; support the development of a Governance Questionnaire including cultural appropriate GG-indicators; develop a teaching aid concerned with the problem of the cultural disintegration of modern bureaucratic nation-states in former colonies and to train GTZ-project leaders and GTZ-country directors of Latin America (2001) and Africa (2003). All commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Rwanda, 2002: Consultancies. To develop programme proposals for the promotion of Human Rights and Justice (2002-2004), commissioned by the Swiss Agency for Development Co-operation (SDC).
Ethiopia, 2002: Consultancy. To organize a training workshop concerning cultural conflicts at the state/society interface for governmental staff (Parliament, Ministries) of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, commissioned by the federal governance development project of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
East-Congo (DR), 2001: Consultancy. To conceptualize, plan and direct the first implementation steps for a project on crisis prevention, commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ), the catholic Misereor and the Evangelical Development Service (basket funding).
Ethiopia, 2001: Consultancy. Development of a new thematic field with the working title "Elders/Advisory Elders" for and commissioned by the Federal Governance Development Project of the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Ghana, 2001: Consultancy. To evaluate the first steps and implement a final management structure for the project "promotion of women in pluralistic legal systems", commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Ghana, 2000: Consultancy. Development of a project design and preliminary steps fro the implementation of a management structure for the project "promotion of women in pluralistic legal systems", commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
GTZ Headquarters, Germany 2000: Consultancy. Development or a new profile for Department 42 (reform of the state, economy and society): crisis prevention and the promotion of peace in Sub-Sahara Africa, commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Ivory Coast and Ghana, 1999-2000: Consultancy. Feasibility study for the promotion of women in pluralistic legal systems - a comparison of the legal implementation capacities in the two countries, commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Est-Congo (DR), 1999: Consultancy. Together with Luso-Consulting (Hamburg) evaluation of the Kabare Project (regional rural development project); Evaluation of the political basic conditions (military occupation by Rwanda) on the course of the project, commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Senegal, 1997 and 1998: Consultancy. Pre-feasibility studies for the promotion of legal advice for women in urban centres of population (Dakar), commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Cameroon, 1997: Consultancy. Pre-feasibility study for the promotion of sociopolitical and legal advice to women, commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Switzerland, 1995-1997: Consultant of Publicom AG. Investigation on the opinions and expectations of the concerned officials in face of the drug-use prevention services of Bale, Fribourg and St.Gallen, commissioned by the Federal Health Departement, CH-Bern.
Zaïre, 1993-1995: Consultant of Publicom AG. Conceptualization and implementation of the first NGO-Radio (Radio Mandeleo) as well as recruiting and on-the-job training of the staff; conceptualization and implementation of alphabetization programmes in co-operation with an NGO-Network, all commissioned by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ).
Projects and Mandates of our Network of independent Experts
Dr. Abd Almageed Eisa,
Ministry of Justice, Khartoum (Sudan)
Sudan, 2018 -: General Legal Counselor of the Ministry of Justice. Main activities: To ensure general implementation of all human rights and enhance its coordination (i); Analyse the national human rights reports in Sudan and deliver corresponding advises (ii); Implement technical recommendations and support international entities regarding the application of human rights (iii); Develop and implement the human rights promotion strategic plan for Sudan (iv).
Burundi, 2011 - 2017: Legal Advisor to the Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR, diplomatic service). Main activities: Mediate conflicts between ICGLR's Member States (i); Prepare and interprete agreements between the ICGLR and international organisations as well as facilitate their implementation (ii); Develop a Great Lakes Judicial Network in order to prevent trans-border crimes within ICGLRs sphere of influence and develop agreements/declarations regarding the conflict between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Rebel Group M23 as well as between Rwanda and the DRC (iii); Provide legal advice to stakeholders including the Summit of Heads of State Members, the Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee of Foreign Ministers, the Executive Secretariat and other relative organs of the ICGLR (iv).
Sudan, 1993-2011: Senior Legal Advisor of the Minsitry of Justice. Main activities: Support the Government of Sudan as well as the Sudanese people to develop alternative dispute resolution strategies (i); Settle various forms of disputes such as those between local populations and the Government regarding land ownership as well as commercial conflicts between companies and individuals (ii); Draft and evaluate the agreement between Sudan and the International conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) (iii).
Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer,
University of Konstanz (DEU)
Germany, 2015 - : Associated Member of the European Network on Statelessness (ENS)
Germany, 2014 - : Mentor in MINERVA FemmeNet of the Max Planck Society (MPG)
Germany, 2013 - : Country of Origin Expert (COI) of the Electronic Immigration Network (EIN)
Myanmar, 2013: Workshop-Leader (together wirh Felix Girke) for the World Peace Service e.V. to the topic "Oral history - a qualitative research method and analysis" as part of the BMZ-funded pilot project "Minesweeping through mindsweeping", Mandalay (Myanmar)
Kyrgyzstan, 2012: Consulting for the German GIZ. Developing a qualitative study on "Price, rises and food security in the context of Kyrgyzstan's Customs Union accession", Bishkek (Kygyzstan)
Kyrgyzstan. 2010: Consulting for the Uited Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). Expert advise for the report "The responsibility of the aksakal courts to protect property and inheritance rights of women" (written in Russian), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
Switzerland, 2008: Consulting for the International Council on Human Rights. Expert advise for the Development of the report "Human Rights, State and Non-State Law", Geneva (Switzerland)
Germany, 2007: Consulting for the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Writing a onsulting report on the legal, political and economic situation in Kygyzstan
Dr. Giselle Corradi,
Faculty of Law, Ghent University (BE)
Belgium, 2015 - 2018: Enhancing access to women's rights in legally plural development contexts: how the structure of legal pluralism interplays with gendered pathways of dispute processing (Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds Ghent University)
Belgium, 2012 - 2014: Reconciling Human Rights and Customary Justice: The Right to a Fair Trial (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen)
Belgium, 2008 - 2011: Addressing Traditional Law and Customary Justice: The right to a Fair Trial (Belgian Science Policy Office)
Belgium, 2006 - 2008: Consultant for fair trade projects in Guatemala and Peru, Durabilis Foundation, Ghent, Belgium
Argentina, 1997 - 2002: Executive Secretary to CEO, Alfred C. Toepfer International, Buenos Aires
Prof. Dr. Anne Griffiths,
Edinburgh School of Law (UK)
​Denmark, 2009: Consultant for the Danish Institute for Human Rights on their worldwide study on Informal Justice.
Switzerland, 2008: Consultant for the International Council on Human Rights Policy on their publication "When Legal Worlds Overlap: Human Rights, State and Non-State Law" (2009), Geneva
Switzerland, 2008: Advisory Group meeting for consultation on Human Rights and Legal Pluralism for International Council on Human Rights (ICHRP), Geneva
United Kingdom, 2006: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC/Scottish Executive Public Policy Seminar) on 'Private Arangements for Parent-Child Contact'
United Kingdom, 2002: Consultation with Justice and Human Rights Adviser about engagement with non-state justice systems, for Governance Dept. DFID, London
United Kingdom, 2001: Consultation with the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration on Provision of Children's Hearings Papers fro Children and Young People, Glasgow
Malaysia, 2001: British Council Committee on International Co-operation in Higher Education
South Africa, 2001: Danish Development Agency on Women and Law, Southern Africa Research Trust
United Kingdom, 2000: Participation in specialist colloquium (invitation only) on "The Rule of Law and Development" at Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
United Kingdom, 1998: Invitation to participate in the National Development Policy Forum, run by DFID, London
Zimbabwe, 1997: Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation
Zimbabwe, 1997: Postgraduate Programme in Women's Law, University of Zimbabwe
Lesotho, 1995: Consultant for British Council
Kenya, 1993: Consultant for British Council
Jean-Marie Ngendahayo,
Burundi International University (BU)
Burundi, 2019 - (to date): Professor at the Burundi International University
Burundi, 2013-15: Columnist at IWACU (a weekly Journal)
Burundi, 2012-14: Member of the advisory board of GLISS (Great Lakes Investment Support Services)2
Burundi, 2007-08: Consultancy in Burundi Peacebuilding Process in rural areas
Burundi, 2005-08: Member of Burundi Parliament. Chairperson of the Nr 1 Commission of National Assembly in charge of political, administrative and external Affairs
Burundi, 2007: Member of the "Conseil des Sages" of the current political ruling party CNDD-FDD
Burundi, 2005-07: Chairperson of the "Conseil Communal de Mabayi"
Burundi, 2000-07: Member and later Senior Member of the current ruling party CNDD-FDD
Burundi, 2005: Minister of the Interior (05.2005-09.2005). During the Transitional Government, his main task was to prepare and monitor the elections in cooperation with the support of the international community (particularly hand in hand with the United Nations Operations in Burundi, UNOB)
Burundi, 2000-04: Diplomatic and Political Senior Advisor of CNDD-FDD, resp. its political movement during the political negotiations as well as during the set-up phase of CNDD-FDD as political party
South Africa, 1995-2000: International free lance consultant for CIRAD, UNAIDS and IOM
Burundi, 1993-95: Senior Political Peace Negotiator in Burundi Crisis; Senior Member of the delegation of the then ruling party FRODEBU (12.1993-06.1995)
Burundi, 1993-95: Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Burundi (12.1993-06.1995)
Burundi, 1993-2005: Member of Parliament of the Republic of Burundi, representing the Cibitoke constituency at the North-West strip of Burundi
Burundi, 1993: Minister of Communication and Spokesperson of the Government. Jean-Marie Ngendahayo was member of the cabinet of the first democratically elected president, Mr. Melchior Ndadaye (06.1993-12.1993)
Burundi, 1984-1993: Info-Com/Program Officer for the European Union Delegation in Bujumbura, for the UNICEF Burundi Office and for the UNFPA Burundi Office.
Dr. Tillmann Schneider,
International Consultant for Justice Sector Reform and Organizational Development (DEU)
Afghanistan, 2019: GIZ Open Policy Advisory Fund (team development)
Nigeria, 2019: The Gambia and Ghana, 2019: Planning mission for the GIZ Police Programme Africa
Western Balkans, 2018: Planning mission for the GIZ Open Regional fund for South-East Europe - Legal Reform
Pakistan, 2018: GIZ CIS II. Focus on development of a Rule of law Roadmap in Sindh and team development(kowledge management
Afghanistan, 2017: Project evaluation GIZ, Promoting the Rule of Law Programme
Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan, 2017: Project evaluation of the regional GIZ Programme Promotion of the Rule of Law in Central Asia
Nigeria, 2017: Design of new component on cooperation between police and prosecution/backstopping implementation
Serbia, 2016: Team leader of final project evaluation GIZ Legal and Judicial Reform Programme
Kosovo, 2016: Project evaluation of GIZ Advisory Services on Judicial and Administrative Reform
Germany, 2015 - 2016: Advisor Sector Programme "Realizing Human Rights in Development Cooperation", Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ, D-Eschborn
Germany, 2015 - 2016: Political Advisor for the German Ministry of Development BMZ and GIZ on human rights (conducting trainings, implementing a human rights-based approach to programming, impact assessments and country briefs)
Sierra Leone, 2013: Interim management and closing of project
Sierra Leone, 2010 - 2012: Project manager "Promoting the Rule of Law and Justice in Sierra Leone", GIZ, Freetown